A Hoogii Roadmap

3 min readNov 25, 2022


We have mapped out development milestones as a roadmap, pinpointing items done, in progress, and to-do.

In the previous article, we have published an introduction to Hoogii, sharing what features Hoogii has and will have.

Hello fellows in Chia, we welcome you to this our brand new decentralized extension wallet, Hoogii, built on Chia Network. In this article, the Hoogii team is going to address Hoogii Wallet’s roadmap in three orderly parts — what’s been done, what’s in progress, and to-do — and the features we plan to roll out, including our plan to open-source and features such as block farmed activity, connecting to dApps, etc.


What’s been done

  • The fundamental construction of Hoogii Wallet has been completed by the team. These include: front-end, back-end, UI/UX, and basic wallet functions (e.g. create wallet, import token, transaction, and activity).
  • Open source is one of our promises to all the users and developers in Chia and we are delighted to announce Hoogii is now fully open-source! To guarantee the security, we decided to release the code as we’re on the testnet. Users can thus verify the security of Hoogii Wallet before they store the assets on the mainnet. For developers, any sorts of contributions are warmly welcomed. For more information please visit our GitHub page.
  • Other features freshly programmed are address book management and automatic lock. Address book management allows you to set names to addresses you frequently trade with. Automatic lock will secure your wallet’s safety for it will lock your wallet within a certain amount of time.

What’s in progress

  • Block farmed activity will be implemented into Hoogii Wallet in the future. We will track and display block farmed activities for you whenever your address gets the block farmed rewards. Our team has been working on it and by the time of completion, you will be able to enjoy this function! 🤩
  • Offer and connecting to dApps are indeed substantial features for Hoogii Wallet to enhance usability and interoperability. The team has been designing and deploying these features. However, this requires permission change and we will only use authorized dApps.
  • We are also crafting features such as network switching and default tokens.


  • NFT display and NFT offer are two of the features that you’ve been suggesting to us. We have put it into the schedule and hopefully we will be cooking these features for you soon.
  • As we’ve mentioned in our previous post, depositing USDS by credit card will be realized and incorporated in Hoogii Wallet.
  • We truly look forward to supporting the first AMM on Chia. Hoogii Wallet will be ready to link directly with the AMM and please stay tuned for more updates!


The Hoogii team has released a roadmap divided into three parts to give users a better understanding of our plan as Hoogii proceeds to the mainnet and further onwards.

Items done are fundamental features, address book management, automatic lock, and open source. dApps integration, block farmed activity, and more features are expected to release in the near future. Items such as NFT display/offer, deposit by credit card, and connecting to the first AMM will be included in development soon at the scheduled time.




Hoogii wallet is a fully open-source crypto wallet extension on the Chia Blockchain. Website: https://hoogii.app/